Son Nghiem 👋
Hi, I'm Son, aka Cashew. I'm a programmer currently studying Computer Science at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
I'm interested in mathematics, computer science, and languages. You can reach out to me in Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, or English below! 📍

About Me
Aspiring developer passionate about languages, software, and design.
Deeply interested in crafting elegant solutions to real-world problems.
My Projects
Research Experience
Neuro-Machine Augmented Intelligence Lab (NMAIL) @ KAIST
Restoration of audio using Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning
February 2023 - November 2023
• Performed individual research under the guidance of a KAIST professor
• Analyzed attention mechanism in deep learning and explored novel ways to incorporate it into audio restoration
• Developed a deep learning model with attention that showed considerable improvements to the general baseline
Facial Emotion Recognition targeting on Complex Emotions using Deep Learning
February 2022 - December 2022
• Lead the student-directed research group under the guidance of a KAIST professor
• Explored, analyzed, implemented and performed ablation studies on machine learning and deep learning techniques for robust and lightweight facial emotion recognition